Jag har alltid analyserat mig själv, mina tankar, känslor och mitt beteende. Mitt analyserande har även innefattat andra och deras tankar, känslor och beteenden. När det gått snett…
Comments closedFORM!CA Posts
När du börjar gräva i ditt inre för att förstå vad som håller dig tillbaka, då kommer det ibland att kännas som att du öppnar Pandoras ask. En…
Comments closedCorona har gett mig tid till reflektion och jag känner mig nyfiken på att undersöka de saker som kommer upp. Jag har fortsatt att fundera på den nedärvda…
Comments closedJag är uppvuxen i en familj av perfektionister. Det kan låta hårt, men det finns en anledning till perfektionisttänket. Under första tiden av sitt äktenskap bodde min mormor…
Comments closedUnder 2019 har jag två gånger fått förtroendet att ge respons på texter. Två vänner och duktiga skribenter ville ha hjälp att komma vidare i skrivprocessen. Först kändes…
Comments closedDen här bloggen har legat i dvala under hela 2019 och jag har grunnat mycket på vad jag ska ha den till. Så har det blivit 2020 och…
2 CommentsA year has past since I started working for Sixt Editorial in Berlin. My job is to make sure the Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and Danish sites have content.…
Comments closedAt the moment I’m helping a friend out by blogging for ISDL. ISDL means Integration through Social and Digital Learning and it’s a so called Erasmus + project.…
Comments closedIn November 2018 I started my new job as Junior Manager Online Editor Scandinavia by Sixt rent a car. It’s the coolest job title I’ve ever had, but…
Comments closedOn this day in 2013 I arrived in Berlin not knowing what I was getting myself into. I was nervous, but at the same time I had high…
Comments closedToday I took care of me. I was recently reminded of the relationship I have with Berlin, with the city itself. Like a dear friend it always cheers…
Comments closedIt is very popular right now to see social media and digital communication as something altogether bad. Almost as if they were the tools of Satan. Well, that…
Comments closedTime flies, and even more so when you are having fun. I actually got to celebrate my 49th birthday in Berlin. Usually this time of the year I’m…
Comments closedThe 100 Lead Generations PDF is done! I’m quite happy with it too. Åsa Magnusson had ordered it as a marketing tool for Hunting With Tigers, and it…
Comments closedI am writing. Since my last post I can’t help but writing, but I have stuffed my face with sweets all weekend. Why? To keep the anxiety levels…
Comments closedIt has occurred to me that my writing difficulties are connected to other issues in my life, such as work and money. Because I had to deal with…
Comments closedDiscover You Creative Archetype, was the message that caught my eye. I find most Facebook tests silly, but something about this one made me curious. Archetype? This was…
Comments closedMovement is supposed to be good, compared to being stuck. In an article today I read how looking for your purpose can make you feel stuck. Well that, and…
1 CommentI have taken on the task to translate English texts into Swedish. The subjects at GetYourGuide mainly has to do with travelling, and especially half-day trips, excursions and…
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